Q1. Classify chemical methods?
Ans. I . Local agents
- Astringent agents of styptics.
- Bone wax.
- Thrombin
- Gel foam.
- Oxygen.
- Surgicel.
- Fibrin glue.
- Adrenaline.
Q2. Classify systemic agents?
Ans. A. Whole blood.
- Platelet rich plasma.
- Fresh frozen plasma.
- Cryoprecipitate.
- Adrenochromemonosemicarbazonetamsylate.
Q3. Define vitamin K dependent clotting factors?
Ans. Factor II, VII, IX, X.
Q4. Define INR (International Normalized Ratio)?
Ans. INR system is the generally recognized as the most current and acceptable method of laboratory measurement of oral anticoagulation therapy. INR is expressed as a ratio of the patientprothrombin time.
- INR value for patients or oral anticoagulants
- Varies from 2.0 to 3.0.
- INR value for artificial mechanical heart value ins 3.0 to 4.5.
- INR value for P.T time is below 3.5, simple extraction can be done without altering oral anticoagulant.
Q5. Define shock.
Ans. Shock is defined as pathophysiologic condition clinically recognized as state of inadequate perfusion, due to inadequate blood flow, there is adequate removal of cellular waste products from tissue cells, which results in description of vital organ function.
Q6. Classify shock.
Ans. Classification Of Shock :
- Hypovolaemic shock.
- Cardiogenic shock.
- Septic shock.
- Neurogenic shock.
Q7. What type of disorder is Haemophilia.
Ans. Haemophilia is a coagulation disorder with prolonged clotting time.
It is classified into Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B.
It is a sex linked X-chromosome disorder with deficiency of factor VIII.
Q8. What is von Wille brand disease?
Ans. It has also been known as pseudo haemophilia and was first described in 1926. It is an autosomal dominant disease occurs as frequently in men or in women. It is due to increased bleeding time without normal combustion of capillaries, there is an associated deficiency of antihaemophilic factor VIII.
Q9. Elaborate various procedures in management of shock.
Ans. Management Of Shock :
- IV fluids (Ringer Lactate, Dextrose normal saline, Normal saline).
- Plasma expanders (Dextran).
- Blood transfusion
Q10. What are the various methods in management of medical emergencies in dental office?
Ans. There are following Methods such as :
- Abdominal thrust.
- Helmhich maneuvore.
- Mouth to mouth breathing.
- External cardiac massage.
Q11. Define tracheotomy.
Ans. Tracheotomy is incision of the trachea through the skin of muscles of the neck for exploration and removal of foreign bodies, obtaining a biopsy specimen or removal of lesion.
Q12. Define tracheostomy.
Ans. It is the surgical creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck for insertion of tube to facilitate the passage or air into lungs for the evaluation of secretions.
Q13. Define cricothyroidotomy.
Ans. It is the surgical creation of opening into the larynx through cricothyroid membrane.
Q14. What is the composition of Bone Wax (Horsley’s)?
Ans. Bees wax – 7 parts
Olive oil – 2 parts
Phenol – 1 part