📣 Ideal requirements of splints: 

🔹Simple design 


🔹Stable and efficient 


🔹Non – irritating to the soft tissues 

🔹Aesthetically acceptable 

🔹Not provoke iatrogenic disease

🔸The choice of splint should reflect patient needs rather than the artistic aspirations of the operator. When the prognosis is doubtful a simple form of splint is indicated. 

🔸Splinting should be undertaken only by patients who prove their willingness and ability to perform plaque control.



Q1. What is a splint? 

Ans. Splint is an appliance that joins two or more teeth to provide support. 

Q2. How splints are classified? 


According to the location on the tooth: Intracoronal and Extracoronal. 

According to the period of stabilization: Temporary; Provisional and Permanent splints. 

Q3. What are the objectives of splinting? 

Ans. Objectives of splinting are to provide rest, redirect and redistribute the forces. 

Q4. What are the disadvantages associated with A-splint? 

Ans. Leakage and the breakage of acrylic material. 

Q5. What is the disadvantage associated with amalgam and stainless-steel splint? 

Ans. Frequent fracture of amalgam. 

Q6. What are continuous clasps made up of? 

Ans. Acrylic, gold, or cast stainless steel. 

Q7. Who suggested the use of an amalgam splint for fixation of mobile posterior teeth? 

Ans. Cross, in 1954. 

Q8. What are the ideal requirements of splints? 

Ans. Simple design; economical, stable and efficient; hygienic and nonirritating to the soft tissues; esthetically acceptable; not provoke iatrogenic disease. 

Q9. What is the thickness of stainless steel wire used for wire ligation? 

Ans. 0.007–0.010-inch thickness. 

Q10. What concentration of phosphoric acid solution is applied in composite splints? 

Ans. 37% phosphoric acid solution.



💡 Splinting of several teeth together as for a fixed prosthesis is done to: 

A. Distribute occlusal load 

B. Facilitate plaque control 

C. Improve retention of prosthesis 

D. Preserve remaining alveolar bone.

Answer : A 

💡 Extracoronal splints are: 

A. Continuous clasps 

B. Night guards 

C. Both A and B 

D. None of the above 

Answer : C 

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