🌟 PERIO-ENDO RELATIONSHIP 📌 POINTS TO PONDER 🔹Periodontal probing, pulp vitality test and radiographs are the cornerstones for diagnosis and classifying endo-perio lesions. 🔹When fistula with gutta...
VIVA QUESTIONS Q1. How are cements classified based on their function?Ans. Classification of Cements: Liners Bases Restorative materials Luting agents Q2. What are pulp protecting agents?Ans. ‘Pulp...
IMPORTANT VIVA QUESTIONS 📌 INSTRUMENTS Q1. What is a plastic instrument? Ans. Plastic Instruments is an instrument used for carrying the cement in a plastic stage application into the cavity. It has...
IMPORTANT VIVA QUESTIONS CONTD. 📌 INSTRUMENTS: Q1. What is G.V Black’s Classification? Ans. This classification is based on the use of the instruments: 1) Cutting instruments ...
IMPORTANT VIVA QUESTIONS CONTD… Q1. What is meant by establishing outline form? Ans. Establishing outline form means: Placing the preparation margins in the positions they will occupy in the...
IMPORTANT VIVA QUESTION AND ANSWERS Q1. Define operative dentistry? Ans – Operative dentistry is the art and science of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of teeth that do not require full...