Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


🌟 PERIODONTICS-ORAL SURGERY RELATIONSHIP 📌 POINTS TO PONDER 🔹Teeth should be extracted in an atraumatic manner to conserve alveolar bone. 🔹 Clinicians should avoid applying pressure at the crest of...

Sensory Disturbances Of Face and Jaws -Trigeminal Neuralgia

🔸Trigeminal Neuralgia Q1. Define trigeminal neuralgia. Ans. It is defined as sudden, usually unilateral severe, brief, stabbing, lancinating, recurring pain in the distribution of one or more branches...


Q1. Define temporomandibular joint. Ans. It is a highly specialized snynovial, diarthroidal non-weight bearing joint, both the joints are independent. Q2. Mention various types of movement in...


Q1. Classify salivary secretion? Ans. Serous. Mucous. Mixed. Q2. Classify salivary gland. Ans. Parotid gland . Submandibular . Sublingual . Q3. Define Anatomical opening of the parotid duct...

Tooth Impaction Viva Questions for Exams

Q1. Define impaction. Ans. An impacted tooth is one that fails to erupt and will not eventually assume its anatomical arch relationship beyond the chronological eruption date. It is also defined as...

DENTAL ANESTHESIA – Nerves and Doses

Q1. Define verrills sign. Ans. Drooping of the upper eyelid to a position half way across the pupil is an indication that the maximum sedative dose has been administered. Q2. Mention a few...

Local Anesthesia In Dentistry – Injections

Q1. Define nerve block. Ans. It is a procedure in which the local anesthetic is deposited (injected) close to a nerve trunk. It blocks sensation from the region which receives the peripheral...

LOCAL ANAESTHESIA Composition & Syringes

Q1. Define Syringe. Ans. It is the vehicle where by the contents of the anesthetic cartridge are delivered through the needle to the patient. Q2. Classify individual composition of local anesthetic...


Local Anaesthesia : Q1. Define local anesthesia. Ans. If has been defined as a loss of sensation in a circumscribed area of the body caused by depression of excitation in nerve endings or an...
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