Trochlear (4th) nerve is the only cranial nerve to emerge dorsally from the

brain stem& has longest intra cranial course and most slender cranial nerve

→ The artery that passes forwards through the cavernous sinus is – Internal Carotid artery (KCET 06)

Abducent (6th) is one of the commonest involved nerve in raised intracranial

tension because of its long course through the cistema points & sharp bends

of petrous temporal bone

→ Middle meningeal artery is a direct branch of internal maxillary artery 

(AIPG 06)

Intracranial aneurysm commonly present with either occulomotor (3rd) or

abducent (6th) nerve palsy

→ Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from the Deep Temporal Artery (COMEDK 06)

Trigeminal (5th) is the largest cranial nerve

→ Middle part of lower lip is first drained into the brachiocephalic vein (AIPG 07)

Vagus nerve (10th) has the most extensive distribution of all the cranial nerves.

→ Inferior thyroid artery is a branch of –Subclavian artery (COMEDK 06)

→ Lymphatics of upper gums drain into – Submandibular nodes (COMEDK 06)

→ Accessory meningeal artery enters cranial cavity through- Foramen ovale (COMEDK 06)

→ Maxillary part of the external carotid artery of middle meningeal artery 

(PGI 05 Dec)

Olfactory hallucinations are seen in uncinate fits or temporal lobe epilepsy

→ Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus through superior ophthalmic vein and pterygoid venous plexus (KCET 07)

Facial (7th) nerve is the most frequently paralyzed of all cranial nerves

→ Middle part of lower lip is first most drained into the brachiocephalic vein (AIIMS 07 May)

Facial nerve has longest intraosseous course

→ The normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessels in the tongue form medial to lateral is Nerve-Artery-Vein

(AIPG 05)

1 , 2 ,8 (i.e. olfactory, optic, vestibulocochlear) nerves are pure sensory

3 ,4 ,6, 1 1 ,1 2 (occulomotor , trochlear, abducent, accessory & hypoglossal)

are pure motor & remaining are mixed. → The Medial cerebral artery does not pass through the cavernous sinus (AIPG 07)

→ Occulomotor nerve, Trochlear nerve and Trigeminal nerve pass through the cavernous sinus

→ The common carotid artery is palpated at the upper border of thyroid cartilage (AIPG 07)

→ Posterior communicating artery is a branch of internal carotid artery (AIPG 07)

→ Cavernous sinus thrombosis can occur due to spread of odontogenic infection via hematogenous route (KCET 07)

Trigeminal nerve has four nuclei in the pons which are associated with following functions:

A. Sensory nuclei : pressure, touch

B. Mesencephalic nuclei : proprioception

C. Motor : motor functions

D. Spinal : pain and temp

→ The facia artery while passing through the submandibular region, gives off a branch that runs forward anteriorly on mylohyoid
muscles and given off a superficial branch and a deep branch. This branch of the facial artery is – Submental artery (AIPG 08)