Complete Denture Preparation for Exam


Q1. What is prosthodontics?

Ans. Prosthodontics is a branch of of dentistry pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintainance of the oral, function, comfort, appearance and health of the patient with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth and or maxillofacial tissues using biocompatible substitutes.

Q2. What is a complete denture prosthodontics?

Ans. A branch of prosthodontics pertaining to the restoration of the edentulous arch with a removable dental prosthesis.

Q3. What is a complete denture?

Ans. A removable dental prosthesis that replaces the entire dentition and associated structures of the maxillae or mandible.

Q4. What are the anatomical landmarks of the maxilla?

Ans. The anatomical landmarks are classified into:

  1. Peripheral or limiting structures
  2. Supporting structures

Q5. What are the supporting structures of maxilla?

Ans. The supporting structures of maxilla are:

A)Primary stress bearing area

B) Secondary stress bearing area

Q6. What are the peripheral or limiting structures of maxilla

Ans. 1) Labial vestibule

2) Labial frenum

3) Buccal frenum

4) Buccal vestibule

5) Hamular notch

6) Posterior palatal seal

7) fovea palatinae

Q7. What are the stress bearing areas of maxilla?

Ans. The stress bearing areas are primary and secondary

  • Primary: hard palate and posterior lateral slopes of the residual alveolar ridge
  • Secondary: rugae area

Q8. What are the relief areas of maxilla?

Ans. The relief areas in the maxilla are:

  1. Midpalatine raphe
  2. Incisive papilla
  3. Maxillary rugae
  4. Anterolateral and posterolateral palatine glandular areas
  5. Buccal surface of prominent tuberosities

Q9. Why is relief given over the midpalatine raphe ?

Ans. The relief over the midpalatine region is given during the making of final impression because the median palatine suture area is covered area is covered with mucous membrane and little submucosal tissue.This area may require selective relief within the denture base.This relief compensates for movement of the maxillary denture that could result in a fulcrum response and causes pain and soreness.

Q10. Why is relief given over the incisive papilla?

Ans. Nasopalatine vessels and nerves exit through the incisive foramen. Incisive papilla located above the incisive foramen. Compression of the papilla causes paraesthesia of soft tissues in the anterior region.

Q11. What is postpalatal seal?

Ans. The seal area at the posterior border of a maxillary removable complete dental prosthesis.

Q12. What is posterior palatal seal area?

Ans. The soft tissues at or beyond the junction of hard and soft palates on which pressure, within the physiologic limits, can be applied by a complete removable denture prosthetics to aid in its retention.

Q13. What are the boundaries of PPS (posterior palatal seal area) ?

Ans. The posterior palatal seal is bounded:

  1. Anteriorly by anterior vibrating line
  2. Posteriorly by posterior vibrating line
  3. Medially from one tuberosity to the other
  4. Laterally extends through the pterygomaxillary notch continuing for 3-4 mm anterolaterally approximating the mucogingival junction

Q14. What are the functions of the posterior palatal seal?

Ans. The functions of pps are:

  1. Primary aids in retention
  2. Reduces the patient’s awareness of this area hence reduces gag reflex
  3. Prevents food accumulation beneath the denture
  4. Reduces patient discomfort when contact occurs between dorsum of the tongue and the posterior extent of denture
  5. Compensates for volumetric shrinkage of the acrylic resin

Q15. Define vibrating lines.

Ans. An imaginary line across the posterior part of the palate marking the division between the movable and immovable tissues of the soft palate. This can be identified when the movable tissues are in function.

Q16. What are the limiting structures of the maxilla?

AnsLiimiting or peripheral structures are:

  1. Labial frenum
  2. Labial vestibule
  3. Buccal frenum
  4. Buccal vestibule
  5. Hamular notch
  6. Posterior palatal seal
  7. Fovea palatinae

Q17. What are the anatomical landmarks of the mandible?

Ans. The anatomical landmarks of mandible are:

  1. Peripheral or limiting structures
  2. Supporting structures

Q18. What are supporting structures of mandible?

Ans. The supporting structures of mandible are:

  1. Crest of the residual alveolar ridge
  2. The buccal shelf

Q19. What are the anatomical features influencing the supporting structures of the mandible?

Ans. The anatomical features influencing the supporting structures of the mandible:

  1. Mylohyoid ridge
  2. Mental foramen
  3. Genial tubercles
  4. Torus mandibularis

Q20. What are the peripheral or limiting structures of mandible?

AnsThe peripheral structures of mandible are:

  1. Labial vestibule
  2. Labial border
  3. Buccal vestibule
  4. Lingual border
  5. Mylohyoid muscle
  6. Retromylohyoid fossa
  7. Sublingual gland region
  8. Alveololingual sulcus

Q21. Which is the primary stress bearing area of mandible and why?

Ans. Buccal shelf area is the primary stress bearing area of the mandible. The bone of buccal shelf is covered by a layer of cortical bone and the buccal shelf lies at right angles to the vertical occlusal forces,hence it is called as primary stress bearing area.

Q22. What are the boundaries of buccal shelf area?

Ans. The boundaries of buccal shelf areas are:

  1. Anteriorly: by the buccal frenum
  2. Posteriorly: by the anterior border of thr retromolar pad
  3. Medially: by the crest of the residual alveolar ridge
  4. Laterally: by the external oblique ridge

Q23. What are the relief areas of the mandibular arch?

Ans. The relief areas of the mandibular arch:

  1. Crest of lower anterior ridge
  2. Prominent genial tubercles
  3. Mental foramen
  4. Torus mandibularis

Q24. What is retromolar pad?

Ans. It is a triangular soft pear-shaped pad of tissue at the distal end of the lower ridge.Mucosa composed of thin, non-keratinised epithelium and loose alveolar tissue.submucosa contains glandular tissue,fibres of buccinators and superior constrictor muscle,ptrerygomandibular raphe and terminal part of the tendon of temporalis.

The distal end of denture pad should cover 2/3rd of the retomolar pad.

The retromolar pad provides the peripheral posterior seal for the lower denture.

Q25. What are the relief areas of maxilla?

Ans. Relief areas of maxilla are:

1) incisive papilla

2) midpalatine raphe