Definitions: Dental ethics means moral duties and obligations of the dentist towards his patients, professional colleagues and to the society.
-Code of ethics was framed by the DCI in 1975
-Later notified by Government of India as “Dentists (code of ethics) Regulations 1976
-It is in force from August 1976
To do no Harm (Non-Maleficence)
To do Good (Beneficence)
Respect for others
Veracity or Truthfulness
Ethical rules for the dentists (prescribed by the DCI) :
The duties and obligations of dentists towards the patients
Duties of dentists towards one another
Duties of dentists to the public
Some unethical practices:
Practice by unregistered persons employed by the dentist
Allowing commission
Dentist signed under his name and authority issuing any certificate which is untrue, misleading or improper
Use of bogus diplomas etc.
Paying or accepting commissions
If the planned treatment is beyond the dentist’s skills, the patient is not referred to a consultant