Introduction of Dental Ethics


Definitions: Dental ethics means moral duties and obligations of the dentist towards his patients, professional colleagues and to the society.

-Code of ethics was framed by the DCI in 1975

-Later notified by Government of India as “Dentists (code of ethics) Regulations 1976

-It is in force from August 1976


  • To do no Harm (Non-Maleficence)

  • To do Good (Beneficence)

  • Respect for others

  • Justice

  • Veracity or Truthfulness

  • Confidentiality

Ethical rules for the dentists (prescribed by the DCI) :

  • The duties and obligations of dentists towards the patients

  • Duties of dentists towards one another

  • Duties of dentists to the public

Some unethical practices:

  • Practice by unregistered persons employed by the dentist

  • Allowing commission

  • Dentist signed under his name and authority issuing any certificate which is untrue, misleading or improper

  • Use of bogus diplomas etc.

  • Paying or accepting commissions

  • If the planned treatment is beyond the dentist’s skills, the patient is not referred to a consultant