Q1. Define cyst.
Ans. A cyst is a pathologic cavity that may be filled with fluid, semifluid or gaseous contents but never pus and may or may not be lined by epithelium.
Q2. Define odontogenic cyst.
Ans. Odontogenic cysts are derived from odontogenic epithelium of the stomodeum. The Odontogenic epithelium consists of enamel organ, reduced enamel epithelium, remnants of dental lamina, hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
Q3. Classify cysts of oral cavity?
Ans. 1. Odontogenic cyst.
- Nonodontogenic cyst.
Q4. Classify Odontogenic cyst?
Ans. A. Developmental:
- Odontogenic keratocyte.
- Dentigerous cyst.
- Calcifying epithelial Odontogenic cyst.
B. Inflammatory:
- Periapical cyst
- Radicular cyst.
- Residual cyst.
Q5. Classify Non-Odontogenic cyst?
Ans. Classification Non-Odontogenic Cyst:
- Nasopalatine duct cyst.
Naso labial cyst.
Maxillary antrum associated cyst.
- Pseudocyst.
Idiopathic bone cavity.
Aneurysmal bone cyst.
Stafne’s cyst.
- Retention cyst
- Congenital cyst.
Dermoid cysts.
Thyroglossal duct cyst.
Cystic hygroma.
- Parasitic cysts.
Hydatid cyst.
Q6. Describe the etiopathogenesis of cyst formation.
Ans. 1. Cyst initiation.
- Cyst Enlargement.
Q7. Mention the theories of cyst enlargement.
Ans. 1. Mural growth.
- Peripheral cell division.
- Accumulation of contents.
- Hydrostatic enlargement.
Q8. Classify the treatment of cyst?
Ans. Marsupialization (Partsch I)
Marsupialization followed by enucleation (Partsch II)
- Decompression followed by enucleation.
- Marsupialization with nasal antrostomy.
- Primary closure (partsch II)
- With open packing.
Q9. Define Marsupialization.
Ans. In this procedure an opening is created intraorally into the cystic cavity which releases the intra cystic pressure.
Q10. Define Enucleation.
Ans. Enucleation involves complete removal of the cyst lining and its contents.
Q11. Define curettage.
Ans. The Latin word curette means cleanse the socket or cavity there by gradual removal of the cyst wall using curettes.