Q1. Define Neoplasia.
Ans. Abnormal uncontrolled purposeless proliferation of new cells that persist even after the cessation of original stimulus.
Q2. Define papilloma.
Ans. Benign tumor of epithelial origin.
Q3. Define carcinoma.
Ans. Benign tumor of malignant origin.
Q4. Define fibroma.
Ans. Benign tumor of connective tissue origin.
Q5. Define sarcoma.
Ans. Malignant tumor of connective tissue origin.
Q6. Define pre malignant lesion.
Ans. A morphologically altered tissue in which cancer is more likely to occur than its apparently normal counterpart.
Q7. Define premalignant condition.
Ans. A generalized state where there is increased risk of cancer.
Q8. Define carcinoma in situ.
Ans. Abnormal proliferative disorder of the epithelium whose architectural disorganization and histological atypia exceeds that is associated with dysplasia.
Q9. Define leukoplakia.
Ans. Clinical whitish patch or plaque that cannot be characterised clinically or histopathologically as any other disease and is not associated with any physical or chemical causative agent except the use of tobacco.
Q10. Define Erythroplakia.
Ans. Clinical lesions of the oral mucosa that present as bright red patches or plaques that cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other condition.
Q11. Define Naevus.
Ans. It is a congenital developmental tumour like mal formation of skin or mucous membrane.
Q12. Define Hamartoma.
Ans. It is a clinical malformation that presents as a mass of disorganized tissue indigenous to the particular site with cessation of the growth period.
Q13. Define odontoma.
Ans. It is an hamartomatous growth in which both the epithelial and mesenchymal cells exhibit complete differentiation with the result that the functional ameloblast and odontoblast form enamel and dentin.
Q14. Define teratoma.
Ans. True neoplasm is made of a number of different types of tissues that are not native to the area in which the tumor occurs. (It arises from three different tissues ectoderm endoderm mesoderm).
Q15. Define odontogenic tumour.
Ans. The term encompasses a wide range of neoplasms and hamartomatous growths involving tooth forming tissues [enamel organ, reduced enamel epithelium Hertwig epithelial root sheath].
Q16. Define Ameloblastoma.
Ans. According to Robinson it is a true epithelial odontogenic tumor usually unicentric, nonfunctional, anatomically benign and clinically persistent.
Q17. Define Lymphoma.
Ans. They constitute a group of neoplasms of varying degree of malignancy which are derived from the basic cells of lymphoid tissue, the lymphocytes, and the histiocytes in any of their developmental stages.
Q18. Define leukemia.
Ans. Disease characterized by progressive overproduction of white cells in an uncoordinated and independent fashion which usually appears in the circulating blood in an immature form.
Q19. Define oral sub mucous Fibrosis.
Ans. It is defined as a chronic insidious disease affecting any part of the oral cavity and sometimes pharynx, occasionally preceded associated with vesicle formation and always associated with juxta epithelial inflammatory reaction followed by fibroblastic change of the lamina Propria with epithelial atrophy leading to stiffness of oral mucosa causing trismus and inability to eat.
Q20. Define hyperkeratosis.
Ans. Abnormal thickness of the orthokeratin or Para keratin layer of a particular location.